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TV Ownership
Multiply the number of daily TV deaths by the number of people owning TV sets and subtract that number from the population. Most nations would disappear on a daily basis.
002Nuclear Desire
Not all countries that crave the power and prestige of nuclear weapons have been able to master the technology and the supply of uranium necessary. In addition to the five official members of the nuclear club (incidentally the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council), at least another eight nations actively pursued steps to qualify for membership. Recently some countries have been militarily persuaded to abandon their nuclear plans (Iraq). Others have voluntarily started to destroy their arsenal (South Africa). Most recently North Korea struck a billion-dollar deal with the US using its alleged arsenal as a bargaining chip for economic help.
003Fresh Water
97.4 % of the world's water is ocean water. 2 % is accounted for by ice caps and glaciers, and about 0.6 % is ground water, which constitutes the entire fresh water reserves on earth. Lake water represents only 7 millionths of the world's water; clouds only 1 millionth, and river water 10% of a millionth.
004Ocean Currents
005Ocean Floor
006Ocean World
007Landlocked Nations
These countries have one territorial condition in common: no access to the world's oceans. This has a fundamental impact on economics, social behavior, and perspective on the world. Many of the republics of the former Soviet Union are landlocked. Their recent independence has radically increased the number of countries, that suffer this unique condition.
008Life Expectancy
Life expectancy is a core factor in the human development index. With 82 years Japan has the highest life expectancy. All 35 countries at the bottom of this list are  located in sub-Saharan Africa; their citizen's  average life expectancy is between 52 and 39 years.
009High Tension / Crisis Zones
Highlighted areas indicate where political crises have developed military aspects.
010Chinese Geography
011Statistical Challenges
012Japan Personal Income Equals 62 Poorest Nations
The combined personal income of the 120 million Japanese people is equal to the combined personal income of the roughly 3.2 billion citizens of the 62 poorest nations, significantly more than half of the world population.
013Population Volume
Size of white rectangle equals size of population. The question will not be what, but how to feed a population which will exceed 10 billion in the next century. Since 1985, due to agricultural engineering advances, the earth has yielded more food than we can possibly consume; yet geopolitical structures continue to leave millions of people dying of starvation.
014Nameless Places
015Local Conditions
01617th Century World
0171949 World
019Refugee Currents
In 1990, UNHCR, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, registered 20 million refugees, a number that increased to 27 million in 1995. While the overall number of refugees has decreased subsequently, the number of internally displaced people has radically increased. The widths of the arrows indicate the relative amounts of refugees (1970-1980).
020Economic Geography
In most cases, the equator separates donor and recipient nations of foreign aid. New continents result from shared economic conditions.
021Japanese Economic Continent
If landmass equaled wealth and economic might, Japan would occupy this much of the globe.
022Mountains of Debt
024White World
025Red Ocean
026Black Ocean
027Yellow Ocean
028Ozone Hole 1988
029Ozone Hole 1990
A second permanent ozone hole was detected in the area of the North Pole in 1990, producing radical meteorological changes in parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Data shown here indicate areas and intensity of ozone depletion during a 10-year period in the 1980s.
030CO2 Spiral
Between 1950 and 1986, annual carbon dioxide emissions have tripled. The principal source of these emissions is fossil fuel combustion, but natural gas flaring and cement production also contributes to the rising level. Carbon dioxide is the major cause of the Greenhouse Effect.
Dark red circles indicate oil spills and gray-shaded areasindicate sea pollution and land pollution from chemical fertilizers. Shown is only a small part of the entire pollution spectrum in 1988. At an average of every three months this globe becomes obsolete due to yet another major oil spill.
032Lack of Detail
033International Data
034Black Africa, etc.
035Not an Arab World
036Oil Supply Routes
037Comprehensive Guide to the World
038Preferred Continental Drift
039Personal Travel Routes
040Travel Souvenirs
The military objectives of the US Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program have created an aesthetic byproduct — a composite photo of the planet, taken during nighttime hours. More than 99% of these representations of actual light sources are indications of human activity on the planet. For example, this image includes more than a million man-made fires, most of them in the Third World, chiefly propagated for agricultural purposes. Population centers are easily identified; however, the amount of light represented here is not necessarily proportional to the population size. Imbalances arise due to unequal electrical consumption. Japanese consume 15 times as much electricity as Chinese per capita, and Americans consume 21/2 times more than Japanese do. This image also illustrates light pollution, a condition only astronomers have complained about so far.
042A Satellites Blind Spots
The public service Landsat System has blind spots over territory and time. However, personal satellites can soon be purchased for about the price of a Mercedes, and space junk is increasingly hard to track.
043Population Bubble
The question will not be what, but how to feed a population that will exceed 10 billion in the next century. Since 1985, due to agricultural engineering advances, the earth has yielded more food than we can possibly consume - yet geopolitical structures continue to leave millions of people dying of starvation.
044Refugee Populations (1991)
At the outbreak of war in Afghanistan in 1979, there were 15 million Afghani citizens. By 1988, 10 Million of those people had become refugees, living in camps, either in Afghanistan or abroad, and accounting for the largest group of refugees in the world.
The opening sentence of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico-philosophicus. "Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist" ("The world is everything that is the case").
046Political Prisoners
More than 90% of all nations choose to maintain political prisons for some of their citizens
047Death Penalty and State Assassinations
Black: Death penalty in effect
+ : Government sponsoring assassination
: Torture reported
048Combat Experience
04915 Years of War and Border Conflicts
050Military Budgets
Color intensity indicates the percentage of military expenditure as part of the GNP; size indicates the amount in absolute terms.
051Positions of Nuclear Submarines
As the capacity for nuclear devastation has increased in range and precision, nuclear missile submarines have been able to patrol their targets from greater and greater distances, leaving only a remote area of the South Pacific free of nuclear submarine traffic.
052Defensive Structures
In some cases walls and demarcation lines contribute to a less bloody every day life. In only a few cases is their construction or establishment met with the consent of those divided by them. These modifications of the surface of the earth usually outlast the conflicts they are designed to still, and the unintended environmental effects can have even more substantial and long term consequences.
053Chernobyl Cloud
Red indicates the extent of the radiation cloud on April 27, just after the accident at Chernobyl. Blue indicates its almost worldwide distribution until the 6th of May.
054Random Basics
055Life in Earth
056Percentage of World Energy Consumption
Numerical percentages of world energy consumption are correlated with bar graphs indicating population figures. Japan, for instance, consumes 15 times more energy per capita than China, and the United States uses 2.5 times more energy per capita than Japan.
057Toxic Import and Exports
Not all toxins are being exported and imported officially — some are simply dumped on foreign soil or exported, stored on short-term leased ground and then abandoned. Some countries make it a business to detoxify the exports; some have laws against the export and import of waste — both nuclear and chemical. Japan is the only industrialized country that has made a business of it and actually imports toxic waste.
058Global Warming
Blue indicates past - red the future estimated temperatures [destroyed]
059Rain Forest Leftovers
Rain Forest Depletion: green indicates where rain forests still exist - red where it has perished.
060 Arable Land
061No of Aids Deaths
Orange countries are those most affected by AIDS. Numbers indicate total deaths up to 1992. The amount of infected people is significantly higher.
062 Oiled Ocean Routes
063Population Distribution
The world's 6 billion people are by no means spread out equally over the globe's territories — yet continental lines are easily identifiable since people seem to prefer coastal regions for settlements. More than half of the world's population lives on a relatively small territory spreading from northern India to China.
064The Biggest Cities
065UN Peacekeeping Missions
Beginning with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Mission to the Middle East in 1948, the UN has undertaken more than 56 peacekeeping missions across the world, with varying degrees of success. In 2003 14 missions were current. Almost 2000 peacekeepers lost their lives since 1948.
066Earth in 80 Languages
The languages are not identified other than by their position (where there are most commonly spoken). The size of the words is proportional to the amount of speakers.
067Land Mines
Red indicates countries where mines are in use; countries identified with the letter "M" are major producers of land mines.
068 Inside Out
069Depleted Fishing Grounds
070Refugee Republic
Dotting the globe, the estimated 47 million refugees account for 1% of the world population. If it were possible for refugees to pack and take with them a proportional part of their country (measured at the world-wide average of approximately 37 people per square kilometer) it would piece together into a state the size of France, Germany, England and Italy combined (or more than twice the size of Texas)
The width of the arrows indicates the relative amount of refugees (1970/80s)
071 The British Colonial Empire
072 The French Colonial Empire
073Simple Projection
074100 Projection Problems
075Religious Freedom
078People Power
The scale of regions reflects the size of population.
079Ocean Upwellings
080Acid Rain
081Shamanism and Traditional Beliefs Primitive Religions
082Arab League
083Ocean and Continents
084Fault Lines
The group of 8 major industrialized nations contribute very different percentages to the world GDP although they share a very common objective of shaping world economics.
086 Satellite Views /Vision
087 Ring of Fire
Fault Lines and Earthquake Epicenters M>5 (larger than 5 on the Richter-scale).
088 Earthquake Graph (over 10 Month)
089 Cada Cabeza UN Mundo (“Each Head a World”)
090 Arctic and Antarctic Circle
091Hong Kong and The Passport Trade
In 1997, the British Crown Colony Hong Kong has become part of the People's Republic of China — the majority of its current citizens are not eligible to live in England despite their British Passports. Those who prefer a second passport to mere trust in the new authorities can buy one in these countries. Minimum investments start at 25.000 — a US passport is most expensive and difficult to obtain.
092 A Missing World Standard: Personal Freedom - Civil Liberties
093Japan Only (Lonely Japan)
An economic giant, Japan does not command much territory. In fact Japan holds the world record GNP per square mile.
094 US GNP vs. the Poorest Countries
Nuclear Have's and Have-not's
097 Political Borders
098US Melting Pot
099 World's Major Languages
100Balance of Trade
Countries “in the red” are united by the commonality of trading debts while countries “in the black” enjoy a trade surplus.
101Tropics Globe
102 US Industrial Waste
103China to Chinatown / The Chinese Illegal Migration Network
In contrast to the South Korean government which even maintains school for émigrés to learn and succeed in foreign countries The Chinese government does not encourage emigration. Smuggling Chinese citizens out of China (mostly from the poor Fujian province) into new countries - preferably the US is a risky business. Migrants pay up to 30.000 per person - the Chinese government imposes the death penalty on those caught smuggling.
104. Population in 2025
104 Population in 2025
105Taiwanese Diplomatic Relations
106Foreign Aid
Foreign aid does not just go to individual countries; entire regions often suffer conditions making them needy and susceptible to foreign aid.
107Extended Exclusive Maritime Economic Zones
According to the proposed, and heavily debated, International Maritime Law, nations may extend their exclusive economic jurisdiction 200 miles (370 km) into the seas. This law would roughly double the amount of the earth's surface available for exclusive economic development. Given that the rest of the oceans is subject to non-exclusive exploitation, only the seas beneath the ice caps would be effectively protected.
108 50-Billion Dollar Economies
109 Ocean Current System (White)
Countries with Internet connections are identified by their country's top level domain ID.
111Major Rivers
112Plagued Countries
113Standards of Living
114 Assassinations
Wetlands" is the collective term for marshes, swamps, bogs, and similar areas. About 75% of all endangered species are native to the world's wetlands
116 Equator
117Nuclear Explosions
More than 2000 nuclear bombs have been detonated worldwide since 1945. In 1963 the superpowers agreed to limit themselves to underground testing. By then the atomic radiation in Europe had increased to levels comparable to those caused by the Chernobyl accident.
118Time Zones
119Submarine Fiberoptic Network
120Oil Fields, Coal and Gas Deposits / Major Oil Spills
121Earth Quakes and Tectonic Plates
122Independence in the 20th Century
123 Peaceful Countries during the 1980s
124 Declaration of Human Rights
125 Colonial North America
126 Ocean Pollution
127Highest and Lowest Living Standards for Expatriates
Regardless of how well the population fares in any given country, the living standard of expatriates is normally higher. Some income based on foreign currency can go a long way in a country with a weak currency. Foreign executives living in Japan do not enjoy a significant standard of living even though they may spend the most for what they get.
128 Without the Sun
129 1930's Globe
130 Arab Globe
131 Hebrew Globe
132 Japanese Globe
133 1990: Countries left at Peace
134 Ocean Polluters
135 Less than 50 Billion GNP countries
136 Car Ownership
137Relief Globe
138Postwar (WW II) Peaceful Countries
Shown are the few countries that did not for one reason or another engage in military conflicts between 1945 and 2002.
139 Some Significant Environmental Disasters
140 Japanese Satellite Photo Globe (NOAA data)
141 Women's Power
142 Danish Colonial Empire
143Money Geography
Superimposed size of countries represents their respective GNP.
Industrial HDI
145Top High Credit Risk Emerging Markets
Being the riskiest country, Russia scores 85 on a scale of 100. The national credit risk is based on economic and political factors. Israel and Indonesia, the countries shown with the least risk, still have a factor of 40.
146 Climatic Zones
147Ozone Depletion (A)
148 Colors
149 Suicide (incomplete)
150Airplane Disasters
Most of the major airplane disasters occurred in the Northern Hemisphere. Shown are crashes with more than 150 victims.
151 National Flags
152AIDS Impact on Regions
153 AIDS Infection Rates
154Refugee (Republic) Network
Refugees account for 1% of the world population. Most are parked in UN camps without awareness or knowledge of each other’s existence. Connecting these refugee camps would result in this refugee net. A Refugee Republic could be a trans-global, experimental, supra-territorial state for refugees to represent themselves worldwide. Implementing the idea of an open society and the ideals represented by the UN, it could become a model for other nations.
155Company vs. Country
Some company’s yearly gross income is larger than the entire GNP of a given country.
156Global Trade Currents
Divided into six major trading areas, global trade currents vary widely between different regions and partners. Each millimeter in arrow width represents $10 billion in yearly trade. The amount of global trade has quintupled since 1975, thus reinforcing notions of a “global” economy.
157Migration to NYC
158Global Warming and Cooling
1965 -1995 data: temperature changes over a 30-year period. Areas that experienced a temperature increase of up to 0.5ºC are white. Areas in which the temperature increased 0.6º - 1.0ºC are pink, and temperature increases of 1,1º - 1.5ºC are red. All areas in which the temperature decreased are shown in blue, equally bracketed.
159Forest Fires
In spring 1998 uncontrolled forest fires raged in the equatorial regions. Airplanes crashed in Indonesia, Smoke plumes reached across national borders into other countries and even continents. One day the loss of forest the size of Belgium in Brazil was reported. El Nino was generally blamed for the lack of rain.
160 Bad News Items
161 Kameoka Special: Sister Cities/ Energy
162Nuclear Energy Dependency
Violet parts of a given country represent the proportional dependency on atomic energy. The remainder (yellow) represents the reliance on conventional energy sources.
163Moody’s Rating
Moody's Investor Service as well as Standard and Poor rate not only corporations but countries as well. Most institutional investment firms have rules prohibiting them from buying government bonds issued by countries with a low rating. Only blue-chip (Aaa=light color) and high to medium grade countries (Aa-Baa3=dark) are considered investment grades, all other countries (Ba1 to C) do not even show up on the investors' radar.
Access to telecommunication is not universally available even within a given country. Line intensity represents phone lines per 100 inhabitants grouped in these categories:
0 - 0.9 telephone lines/100 inhabitants
0.9 to 4.6 telephone lines/100 inhabitants
4.6 - 13.5 telephone lines/100 inhabitants
13.5 to 33.3 telephone lines/100 inhabitants
33.3 to 68.3 telephone lines/100 inhabitants
" It is my belief that universal access to basic communication and information services is a fundamental human right." (Pekka Tarjanne, ITU)
165Historical Diasporas
166Labor Migration
This world is divided into richer and poorer countries. Highlighted countries are considered rich, as the personal income averages more than US $2,500/year. Anybody making less is part of the rest, the poor. Accordingly, there is a migration from poorer to richer countries.
167Island Nations
168Ice Age
169Soil Degradation
Soil degradation is brought on by several factors, mostly predisposition for desertification, acid rain, need for fuelwood and food needs which are beyond the soil's capacity to support. This globe shows only areas where the population’s food needs lead to overexploitation and subsequently to soil degradation.
170Solar System
This globe representing the size of the sun shows the respective size of the solar system's planets. Most planets in other solar systems have been just too small to be detected with current technology .
The planets discovered so far are huge: up to 11 times the size of Jupiter. Smaller ones, the size of earth, are not expected to be found in the near future, even though there are no doubts that they exist.
171Infant Mortality
Infant mortality is a good indicator of a population's well-being. In areas shaded dark red, one out of five children does not live beyond the age of five. In white areas, the mortality is less than 2%.
172 Eco Pressure
Arable land vs. population size: Some areas are particularly endangered and more sensitive to ecological imbalance. Population pressure, the scarcity of arable land, soil quality and climate set strict limits to growth.
173Life Carbon Reserves
174Human Development Index
Divided into 3 levels: low, medium, high with yellow, orange, and red indicating development as defined by the UN's HDI index.
175Asteroid Impacts
177Fuel Sources, Consumption, and Prices
Segments originating at the South Pole (1971) represent changing proportions of fuel sources and usage up until 1996 (North Pole).
178Nuclear Non-Proliferation
179 Ruhrgebiet
180Japan vs. Germany
181Black Continents
182Nuclear Powers and Shadow States
183Divided / Unified
184 East Germany only
185 High Tensions ’99
186 Land Mine Stockpiles
187Nuclear Stockpiles
The group of the 8 major industrialized nations shares the common objective of shaping world economics. Their claim to leadership is based on a defacto control of 2/3 of the world economy. The G77, founded in 1964 to represent the poorer states, has now 133 member states and is largely unknown.
190 Mobility Measures-Planes, Trains and Cars
191Carless Countries
Many industrialized nations have about half as many cars as citizens. Green overlaid countries have the least number of cars per capita: up to 10,000 inhabitants would have to share a single motor vehicle.
192 Individual Car vs. Commerical Truck Usage
193Fuel Consumers
The countries with the highest gasoline consumption are positioned along a North-South (higher-lower) scale.
Personal Energy Production vs. Consumption
195Road Density
Five categories of miles of road per square mile of territory are shown: [0-0,1] [0,0,5] [0,5-0,9] [0,9-2] [2 and above]. Monaco statistically has the highest percentage: up to 1/3 of its territory is paved.
196 Car Travel as a Proportion of Transportation
197 Five Largest Car Makers and Market Shares
198 Gasoline Prices and Taxes
199Auto Corporations vs. Countries (revision)
Car companies are among the largest and most powerful companies of the world, rivaling entire states in economic might. Countries and groups of countries are re-named with companies whose gross income equals their GDP.
200VW –World
Production sites of companies belonging to the Volkswagen Group. The extension of this network through the recent acquisition of the heavy truck manufacturer Scania, with production sites all over Scandinavia as well as in Holland, Poland, France and South America, is not yet shown on this globe.
Manufacturing Work Forces
The respective sizes of landmass in this geography of industrial work forces are informed by the amount of industrial workers in each country. In Germany every 7th job is directly or indirectly car-related.
202Car Populations
Every small dot represents 100.000 to 1 million cars, larger dots 1 to 2 million.
203 Auto Theft Rates
204 World Car Production by Company
205 Car Imports and Exports
206German Car Production
If each car produced in Germany in 1998 were to equal 1 square kilometer, then different-sized “Germanies” would result in the present globe. Here the six major car producers assimilate continents and countries of their own.
207Auto Worker Salaries Around the World
In selected countries, industrial workers earn salaries indicated by white lines leading to a scale of salaries in US dollars. Their counterparts in the automotive industry earn significantly more, as represented by the black lines leading to higher relative levels. At $37.68per hour, German car workers earned more in 1997 than any other industrial or automotive workers in the survey did.
208 Cross-Border Car Traffic
209 Cross-Border Truck Traffic
210 Auto-emitted CO2 Spiral
211“Bad Carma”
Traveling the roads of countries with a red cross is dangerous. The larger the cross, the higher the chance to continue any given trip in an ambulance and end up in a hospital or graveyard.
212Fuel Efficiency Timeline
1990 represents the 100% level for a number of different fuel efficiency correlatives. German fuel efficiency is indicated in blue; world efficiency in green; fuel consumption in yellow; oil price per barrel in orange; and car population in black. In all it becomes apparent that even as fuel efficiency increases, car population and fuel consumption increases easily offset any fuel conservation.
213 Research & Development Countries
214Vehicle-Producing Countries
Borders of all car-producing countries are highlighted even if no more than 30 (Mozambique) or 50 (Ethiopia) cars are made. Each dot represents a yearly production volume of 100.000 vehicles.
215Car” in 80 Languages
Although it’s a modern invention and a modern word, at least 80 languages have a word for “car”. The Native American tribes of Blackfoot and Hopi have a word for it, and even the car-less Zulu and Ethiopian nations give the four-wheeled wonder a name.
216Superhighway to the Future
A 24-lane superhighway packed bumper to bumper would have to circle the globe 1.8 times to accommodate the world’s 440 million cars in 2000. By the year 2030, however, the superhighway to the future would have to circle the globe 4.25 times to accommodate the projected1020 million cars at that date. A hypothethical parking lot to accommodate this car population would cover all of Belgium.
217Jam 2000: 72x Around the World
If all the cars in the world were placed end to end they would circle the globe 72 times.
218Production Capacity: Bikes vs. Cars
Surging car production slowed down as a result of oil price increases and environmental awareness in the first half of the 1970s. Meanwhile, the demand for bicycles boomed as incomes rose rapidly in China. In 1980, twice as many bicycles as cars were produced; today, the ratio has almost tripled.
219Beyond Statistics
221Internet Users
Germany (.de) had about 15 million Internet users in the beginning of 2000. The size of the respective national Internet top-level domain code represents the amount of users. Government surveillance of Internet communication is routinely practiced in several countries (.de, .sg, .cn).
223Mobile Phone Society
Represented are countries in which more than 20% of telephones are mobile phones. Cambodia has the highest percentage. It has more mobile phone (65%) than land lines. the value of the copper content of a few miles of telephone cable can feed a family for a few weeks. Cambodia, Chad, Congo and Afghanistan have only 1 telephone line per 1000 people.
224World Average Temperature
The equator equals the average temperature at the beginning of the 20th century. For the last 1 million years the average temperature of the world has fluctuated
Only the terrorist groups which are known by their initials are shown, which are most groups.
225-2 Terrorism
Areas of terrorist activity are circled. Most groups are active in more than one territory. Many of them compete with each other for influence within the same area.
225-3 Terrorism
Darkened areas indicate presence of terrorist groups. Underlined groups are active in more than one country, underscoring their multinational and transnational character and ambition.
226 Germany Japan
227Non-Competitive Elections
Highlighted areas indicate those countries that are democratic in name only. Dictatorships, Communist states, and military states either ban popular elections, disregard their results, or hand-pick the candidates. Floundering or corrupt representative democracies often do no better at generating competitive elections.
228 Biological Fuels
229 Recycling
230 Human Rights
231DNA Traces
Population geneticists have traced the human family tree to an ancestral homo sapiens community of only 2000 breeding individuals living in Africa, which began splitting up approximately 144,000 years ago and migrating to Asia and Europe before the Americas. Analyses of mitochondrial DNA passed from mother to child have identified only one female (a mitochondrial “Eve”) at the root of the mDNA family tree represented by orange lines; other lineages fell extinct. Y chromosome sequences passed from father to son are represented by green lines and go back to a single chromosonal “Adam.” It is believed that 10 principle branches in the Y chromosome tree may correspond to the world’s major language groups.
232DNA Traces, Refugee Populations, and Migration Routes
As drawn according to rainfall, a picture of our “waterworld” reveals contours that are subtly influenced by continental masses, but not beholden geography in any way whatsoever. Darkest regions receive on average more than 2000 millimeters of rain annually while white regions receive less than 100 millimeters.
234 Watersheds
The river systems and drainage basins on every continent have created watersheds of the world’s fresh water. Fueled by precipitation, and directed by continental geography, watersheds constitute the major reservoirs of fresh water and the channels through which water flows to the ocean.
235Prison Populations
The U.S. has recently usurped from Russia the dubious honor of highest rate of incarceration - almost 700. The number of inmates per 100,000 of the national population is represented for each country. 142 is the world average.
236 Holland Only
237 Kyoto Protocol
Those countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases are appropriately colored green. Remaining countries have either signed the protocol without ratifying it, not signed it at all, or signed it and then reneged on any intention of following its guidelines.
238 The West and the Rest
American and European nations and their empires are highlighted to show the extent of Western dominance in 1920. The rest of the world falls into metaphorical darkness, being outside the scope of Western powers.
239 Cold War World
At the height of the Cold War, the world’s major military powers could easily be split into two camps: the Communist Bloc designated with red and the Free World designated with blue.
With the fall of communism and the end of the Cold War differences among nations are drawn along cultural lines, with religion playing a major role in the shaping of attitudes, morals, and ethics. Of these different civilizations: Western is defined in white; African in brown; Islamic in green; Sinic in yellow; Japanese in red; Hindu in orange; Orthodox in black; Buddhist in gold; and Latin American in beige. Each culture is hardly without its own internal divisions, however, as recent culture wars within the Western world prove.
2413 Hour US Air Force Range
242Hannover All Over
Places that bear the name Hanover after the German town of 'Hannover'
243US Naval Range
245Special Economic Zones
300 Japamerica - (Japan out of America- cut out)


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