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Showing posts from August, 2012

David B. Smith Gallery (PHOTO)

David B. Smith Gallery    Denver, Colorado    Âİ 2012

Time Lapse Surreal Painting The Forest by Tim Gagnon



1940 Time Machine by


Keyed to the relative time scale are examples of index fossils, the forms of life which existed during limited periods of geologic time and thus are used as guides to the age of the rocks in which they are preserved.


mountains Alps chalets

Fox( photo )

world resources map

Oil painting with a knife by Francoise Nielly.

Artwork Âİ Francoise Nielly

PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

  green school' by PT bamboo pure, bali, indonesia all images courtesy of green school after meeting in indonesia, john hardy and his wife cynthia conceived of the 'green school,' an educational village community amongst the jungle and rice fields of bali, to spread their sustainable altruistic message through an alternative education system to locals and foreigners alike. they called on balinese practice PT bamboo pure to work out the technical design aspects of the entirely bamboo structure.  the plentifully supplied asian wood was utilized to benefit from the potential of all its properties to become structural, decorative, recreational, used as flooring, seating, tables and several other fixtures. the local vernacular finds a new relationship fused with contemporary design strategies throughout the assembly of the components that make up the entire campus.  the design of the 'heart of green school' finds itself anchored around thre...


Atlanta (USA)